Friday 14 February 2020

How to Study for a Math Exam

How to Study for a Math Exam

Practice makes perfect when it comes to math - that’s why your teacher assigns so many tedious homework problems! Many people try to study for math by simply memorizing formulas and equations the way they would memorize facts and dates. While knowing formulas and equations is important, the best way to learn them is by using them. Start studying early, do your homework, and ask your teacher for help if you run into any issues.

  1. Look over your class notes. After school, look over the notes you took in class that day for 15 to 20 minutes. As a test approaches, review your notes for the entire unit or chapter more thoroughly. Pay special attention to the example problems the teacher provided in class, since these will help break down how a given procedure or formula works. If you don't have any class notes, ask your classmate for notes.
  2. Do problems similar to those that were assigned for homework. Suppose you were assigned odd numbers for homework because the even numbers’ answers are in the back of the book. Work on those even-numbered problems, then check your answers to see where your strengths and weaknesses are.
  3. Have someone make up practice problems for you. If you’re in a study group, you can create and exchange practice tests for each other. Ask a family member or someone in your class to work on practice examples together. If your textbook has a website, see if you can download practice exams.
  4. Rest and eat well just before the exam. Try not to be stressed as the exam approaches. Get a good night’s sleep the night before the exam. Have a full breakfast that morning and, if the test is later in the day, a good lunch.


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